New York: Macmillan.Internal consistencyrefers to how well a survey, questionnaire, or test actually measures what you want it to measure.

The test-retest reliability is especially used in an experimental and quasi-experimental design.Cronbach alpha tends to be most frequently used in the estimation of internal consistency.A parallel form estimator is typically only used in a situation where one intends to use the two forms as alternative matters of the same things.Internal Consistency Reliability: It is used to assess the consistency of measure across items within the test. In Parallel form, content is divided into two forms randomly but in case of split-half reliability we use odd and even numbers to divide the contents. Parallel form reliability: it is used to assess the consistency of measurement of two tests constructed in the same way from the same content domain of the same characteristics. We estimate test-retest reliability to administrate the same case to the same people on two different occasions. Test-retest Reliability: Test-retest reliability is used to assess the consistency of measure from one time to another.

When the measure is a continuous one inter-rater reliability is used. Inter-Rater or inter-observer reliability: It is use to assess the degree of reliability of different raters or observers give consistent estimate of the same phenomena.